Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Bit Past 5 Months

 Smiley girl is a couple weeks past 5 months. She's growing, growing, growing!

She is getting so much more coordinated... well, you know, coordinated for a 5 month old :) She's turning and reaching for things she wants and she's getting up on her hands and knees! I just know that she'll be crawling soon!

Finally, we got a decent picture of her little teethies that have been in for over a month now! Now, we are just biding our time until the next ones want to make an appearance :)

I know I usually have a list of tidbits about what Peanut is up too, but this month I'll be doing it in pictures... that post will be up on Thursday! (Until then, I'll be packing and cleaning - we're moving on Friday!!)


  1. Very cute! Good luck with the move. We're moving my dad and it's a ton of work.

  2. Hi Hiedi. Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. Evelyn is just adorable. What sweet pictures. I just have to follow your blog. Your quilts are just beautiful along the views. Sounds like you live in Montana? I just love to visit Montana and can not wait to get back there again some day.
    Happy week.
