Monday, September 26, 2011

First Time Canning - Salsa

Grizz's parents visited over Labor Day weekend and brought us a shoebox of veggies - it was salsa time!

I went out and bought my canner and some jars. Came back and started chopping. I had asked several people for their salsa recipes, and decided to combine them all into one!

Chopped about 8 cups of tomatoes, some green peppers, 2-3 chili peppers (without seeds), some yellow pepper, some garlic, some cilantro and of course onions. Don't forget to add some salt...

Boiled it up (thank goodness it didn't blow up all over the kitchen like the last time Mom and I made strawberry jam - although my floor was already dirty with all the chopping!).

Added some water and cornstarch.

Boiled it some more.

Boiled the lids and washed the cans.

Filled the cans - left 1/4" headspace

Screwed on the lids... 15minute water bath in the canner

Voila! Salsa!

Next time? Bigger jars... these half-pints are gone way too fast :) Also, more peppers - including chili peppers... this batch wasn't hot enough, but it's still tasty!

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